А ещё независимость - это счастье. От того, что у тебя есть кто-то, к кому ты готова тысячу километров идти пешком…
“Dear sixth guns,
There are a lot of you that feel trapped, plenty of you whose depression is so indescribable that when someone asks you what’s wrong, you can’t explain it so you just say you’re fine. There are times where you feel like there’s only one way out, but before you even consider the possibility of taking the next step, just know this: you are not alone. Even though oceans may seperate us, we’re still here for you. We make this music for you, write these lyrics for you. All of you made us who we are, and we have a bond with each and every one of you. Even though you feel like we’re thousand miles away, we’re still apart of you just like you’re apart of us. We share one sky, one moon, the same stars. We love you and no matter what happens, we’ll continue on with our passion for music to touch your hearts, and we’ll always let you know that you’re not alone in this. We’re all heretics, we’re in this together. Please, stay strong and never hesitate to send us fanmail because even though we can’t respond to every single letter, we read them and we love hearing from you. All of us worry about each one of you and we want nothing more than happiness for you. Every single sixth gun out there is what keeps us going, and we’ll continue to keep you going as well. We love you, never forget that.
Tomorrow does not disappear.
Love, Aoi.”

@музыка: the Gazette - Chizuru

@темы: and I will feel your heartbeat, пламя великой любви.., музыка - как инфекция. Нельзя близко подходить - заразишься!, Shirоyаma Yuu, aoi_twitter, from Cockayne Soup to Undying, Страна Восходящего Солнца

09.10.2015 в 23:38

Миру по кайфу чистая музыка перед сном. Время безумцев. Полночь. Похоже, у нас звонок.
Можно ведь утащить это к себе???:shuffle2:
10.10.2015 в 08:25

А ещё независимость - это счастье. От того, что у тебя есть кто-то, к кому ты готова тысячу километров идти пешком…
grustnoe_chudo, конечно.